Ode to the Moon

Ode to the Moon

The power to rule the tides
Pulling at the waters
The ebb and flow of emotions
Mystery of the dark night
Moonlight glows
Full night knows
The world of howling

Stories of werewolves rule the night under silver glow of the full moon. The mild-mannered becomes the monstrous beast. The moon has the power to move the tides and create the waves in the ocean. Some say we are 60 to 70% water, and the moon rules the tides of our emotions as well. The statistics tell us that emergency room visits rise during the full moon. If not outer transformations, there are plenty of inner transformations as emotions are pulled in one direction or another. The subtleties of our emotional life and our inner state of being are sometimes a mystery, beyond our control, as the cycles of the moon. If not the moon, then people, places, or even things trigger us and transform us into monsters unrecognizable by the light of the day, the light of sanity and clear thought. The darkness holds many mysteries, but the darkness is as much a reality as the light. Exploration of our internal states and inner emotional life begins with the step of awareness; we cannot tame the werewolves if we do not know that they are there. Perhaps a werewolf, under the light of the sun, under the light of clear thought, is simply the mild-mannered creature that we call human.